Charlotte, NC

A premier tax & accounting firm, J. Michael Banks, CPA, P.L.L.C. provides exceptional service to clients. With years of experience in complex tax planning, tax compliance, regulatory requirements,  and bookkeeping,  J. Michael Banks, CPA, P.L.L.C. can handle any tax and accounting needs. A need for a brand refresh arose that would focus on client retention and conveyed approachability and security.

Proposed Letterhead and Envelope Showcase

JMB Tax Brand Refresh Showcase

Proposed Web Mockup on iPad Showcase

Concept to Production

To emphasize a sense of security visually in the brand, I initially considered incorporating a padlock and subsequently a shield. The pivotal aspect was the exploration of various shield shapes, ensuring that the brand refresh not only conveyed security but also conveyed strength and resiliency.

When envisioning taxes, the image of a daunting, towering stack of papers & receipts often comes to mind. However, with the refresh, my goal is to eliminate this sense of dread and instead present something more approachable and manageable, reflecting a fresh perspective on tax matters.

The fusion of client paperwork and the company shield showcases the brand's newfound security, conveying trust and reliability. This harmonious integration exemplifies resilience and fortifies the brand's steadfast image.

Final Logo File

Final Product MockUp

The centerpiece of the refresh is a captivating logo that skillfully illustrates the firm's unwavering commitment to safeguarding vital information while simultaneously creating a more relaxed experience during what is typically a highly stressful time for most individuals. Complemented by a sophisticated blue color scheme, featuring colors of the ocean connoting calmness, professionalism, and trust, the brand refresh extends to all touchpoints, including the website, marketing materials, and client communications. With a refined brand voice and a clear focus on simplifying complex tax and accounting concepts, J. Michael Banks, CPA, P.L.L.C. presents a unified and compelling brand image, reflecting its expertise, approachability, and dedication to clients' security.

Brand Style Guide


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